“Soldaderas” is a collaboration and co-production between fashion designer Sabrina Olivera and dancer Camila Arroyo. Sabrina recently launched her fashion brand Sabrina Ol with a collection conceived as a homage to the Soldaderas, the women fighters of the Mexican Revolution of 1910. Both creatives met soon after the launch and quickly inspired one another. The Pandemic added urgency to their desire to create together. As Camila recounts, “[We felt] the film could be a perfect [collaborative] medium, as fashion runways and live shows had to be re-conceptualized.”
In this short film, Sabrina and Camila visualize what a contemporary soldadera, or soldier, might look like today. The duo amalgamates three key elements: self-fashioning oneself, braids as symbols of care and pride, and the Spanish verb soldar, meaning “to weld”. As Camila describes, “We dance to imagine a contemporary Soldadera. We manifest her away from the hyper-masculine and militaristic imaginary that created her, and within a tender choreography with the city that we exist in today.”